Even before marking her Bollywood debut, Shweta Tiwari’s daughter Palak Tiwari has become a sensation. The budding actress, who sent waved with his Punjabi Song Bijlee Bijlee with Hardy Sandhu is no less a Bollywood diva. Palak enjoys a massive fan following on the internet and every time she posts a photo or video of her stunning self, it takes the web by storm leaving fans gasping for breath. While the upcoming actress is adored by many, she has often faced the heat of social media.
As the star kid gets often subjected to trolls, when she posts a photo, her mother and actress Shweta Tiwari slammed the haters for spreading negativity and body-shame her daughter.
During her recent conversation, Shweta Tiwari hit back at the haters like a total boss and said that they don’t care at all. Reacting to the same, Shweta Tiwari told Bollywood Bubble, “Abhi bhi log bolte hain ‘ye kitni sukdi hai’ but I never say anything to her. That’s how you are, and you look pretty. You are healthy, you can run, your vitals are good. So, as long as she is healthy, she is good, I don’t care what kind of body she has.
Shweta went on to add, “These days, Instagram is enough to troll people. They used words like skinny and malnourished and what not. I don’t care.”
Shweta however revealed that these comment affect Palak as she often asks her, “Am I really that thin?’ and I say no. I tell her, ‘For your age, this is ok. As you grow older, your body will change’.”
Before speaking about palak, Shweta Tiwari had also opened up about breastfeeding in public. She was quoted saying, “They can get up and go. I don’t know if it made anyone else uncomfortable. I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m not snorting drugs. I am feeding my hungry child. I have to do it. If someone is getting uncomfortable, I’m sorry, get up and go.”
On the work front, Palak Tiwari is all set to step into Bollywood with Rosie: The Saffron Chapter alongside Vivek Oberoi.
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