It’s been months since Shark Tank India aired its finale episode, but people still talk about the show and its unique content. Many entrepreneurs left empty-handed, while others received investment from the Sharks. Meanwhile, one of the contestants, Kamlesh Nanasaheb Ghumare aka Jugadu Kamlesh won the hearts of panellists and viewers, after he pitched a revolutionary idea for the agricultural sector. Now, he’s back with yet another ground-breaking innovation. Scroll down below to read the full scoop.
The show comprises seven sharks, Ashneer Grover, Aman Gupta, Anupam Mittal, Ghazal Alagh, Namita Thapar, Peyush Bansal and Vineeta Singh. The show is the Indian franchise of the American show of the same name. Entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors or sharks, who decide whether to invest in their company.
Recently, a YouTube channel shared Shark Tank India Jugadu Kamlesh’s video of his latest invention which will save farmers’ time and energy. In the video, he starts saying, “If you grow drumsticks or lemon, then this equipment definitely proves to be helpful.”
Here’s how Jugadu Kamlesh explained the assembling of the equipment and its benefits. He said in Marathi, “To make the equipment, you need to install the scissor (as shown in the video) with a metal pipe which must be open at both ends. The scissor needs to be welded on the pipe.”
He adds, “The equipment which can be sort of called as a cutter helps in cutting off lemons and drumsticks which grow taller from the ground. This will help reduce the struggle of farmers and save their time and energy.”
Peyush Bansal had invested his money in Jugadu Kamlesh when he appeared on Shark Tank and recently Bansal shared an update about the work. Sharing the news on Instagram, the businessman wrote, “Everyone I meet these days has one question….what is update on Kamlesh from @sharktank.india? While I don’t believe in talking about things till we achieve something, because of popular demand…here is a quick update. We have initiated a process of design and consumer validation of the cart with help of a team of professional Industrial designers.”
He added, “Design Team visited Malegaon and nearby farms, spent time with different farmers and different crops, along with Jugadu Kamlesh, Naru and took a lot of feedback. Biggest concerns are weight of Cart, movement on different uneven terrains and width of cart (as alley size is small in certain crops). Next steps: Find creative solutions to these problems, do design optimisations and go back and test again.”
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