Rakhi Sawant has been grabbing all the limelight owing to her marital discord with her husband Adil Khan Durrani. In the recent update, the actress recently revealed that he sold her n*de to people. Earlier she was seen asking Adil to return the 1.5 crore he took and brought luxurious cars for himself. However, he said he’d return all the money within 4 months. Now here’s the latest twist in Rakhi and Adil controversy.
For the unversed, the actress announced her wedding some time back revealing that they got married 7 months back. However later, she accused him of domestic violence.
Reportedly, Adil Khan Durrani’s rumoured ex-GF recently took to Instagram to ask people to not drag her into their marital discord controversy. In her message, she’s even seen asking Adil to ask Rakhi Sawant to stop calling her and leave her alone. Taking to her Instagram story, Roshina Devalari, who’s a doctor by profession shared the screenshot of her congratulatory message to Adil Khan Durrani.
The message reads, “Congratulations Adil, I wish happiness for you and Rakhi. Please do not disturb me both of you from now. I have nothing to do with you both. I am leaving India and I have my own life. Please tell your wife to leave me alone.”
She wrote in the next story, “This is the proof that I wished Adil and Rakhi happiness and ask them to stay happy together as soon as I got to know they are married. Hence I request the people of India to not involve me in their lives and problems as I am receiving lots of messages regarding this matter.”
However, in her latest interview, Rakhi Sawant now revealed that she’s going to file an FIR against Adil Khan Durrani and her current girlfriend Nivedita Chandel.
Rakhi Sawant told ETimes, “I have come to the court to share my side of the story. Adil shouldn’t get bail, I have gotten my medical done and even submitted all the proofs to the Oshiwara police station. I have come here to seek justice from the Judge. Adil has tortured me and cheated on me and I don’t want to get him bail. I have given my bank statements too, he took my OTP and stole my money, and he breached my trust.”
This is a developing case, stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates!
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