It seems like all is well between Krushna Abhishek and Kapil Sharma. Earlier when the host shared the teaser for the upcoming season of ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’, Krushna was missing from it and fans started speculating if he had left the show. Putting the rumours to end finally, Abhishek broke his silence and revealed that he’ll be joining the new season shortly. And now, Kapil has shared a video on his Instagram which also features Krushna clarifying the air and setting the record straight. Scroll below to watch the video.
TKSS team is currently in Australia for Kapil’s live show. In the video that the comedian shared on his Instagram account, the team can be seen chilling at the airport lounge and is reportedly from Wednesday. It’s a fun video and the fans are going gaga over it.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Kapil Sharma captioned it, “mufat ki massage 😂 @krushna30 #kslive #kslive2022 #flying #australia 🇦🇺” In the video, Krushna Abhishek can be seen getting a massage at the airport lounge and is interacting with the masseuse.
Take a look at the video below:
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Haha! All’s well that ends well. Isn’t it?
Reacting to Kapil Sharma’s video on Instagram, a user commented, “I hope the whole team comes TOGETHER back again in India😂” Another user commented, “bring back krushna plss.” A third user commented, “Sapna massage parlor 😂😂” A fourth user commented, “Wapis aate Huye Flight ki Tickets alag alag karwana 😂”
Meanwhile, Kapil along with Krushna Abhishek and Kiku Sharda left on Wednesday night and during the day, Krushna was spotted celebrating ‘Ganpati’ with his wife Kashmera Shah where paparazzi asked him if he’ll be seen in this season or not. Replying to the paps, the comedian said, “Koi issue nahi hai. I love him, he loves me. Mera bhi show hai wo, I will be back again (There is no issue. I love him, he loves me. It is my show as well and I will be back again).”
What are your thoughts on Kapil’s video from the airport lounge featuring Krushna? Tell us in the space below.
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