Indian Idol is one of the most successful and among the longest-running reality shows on Indian television. In its over-a-decade-long run, we have seen several contestants dressed up and copy other musicians while auditions. The same happened during the auditions of Indian Idol 3 when a contestant dressed up like Himesh Reshammiya. Not only did he not impress the judges, he even had Anu Malik running behind him, fuming in anger.
During this throwback audition, a contestant named Salim ‘Devdas’ Ahmed arrived to show off his skill dressed like Himesh Reshammiya – complete with the black trench coat and cap. While his performance left all 4 judges Javed Akhtar, Malik, Alisha Chinai and Udit Narayan, with a bad taste, read on to know why Anu chased after him, while the others were also angry.
Hailing from Orrisa, the contestant walked in impersonating Himesh’s fashion sense from the 2000s. When Alisha Chinai mentions that his look seems inspired, he denies it, saying, “Kyun milta julta hai? Main jo hoon, main hoon na.” While he sings ‘Kahin Karti Hogi Woh Mera Intezaar’ as his audition piece, the judged then make him sing a Himesh Reshammiya song – that leave the judged stunt. Not only that, Anu Malik and Alisha also get up and walk out mid-audition.
While it is all fine till they return when he is asked to leave, things take a turn for the worst. After shaking hands with the four judges, Salim picked up the Indian Idol 3 pass card and ran out of the room, flexing his achievement. This led to Anu Malik fuming in anger and chasing him into the corridor, where he confronted him and took away the pass.
During the confrontation, Malik loosed it on the wannabe Himesh Reshammiya and told him never to do such a stunt again and not steal. Seeing him seething in anger, the contestants who were seated there tell the host to “Cool it,” he, in anger, tells them to shut up and mind their business. Check out the entire incident below.
Currently, Indian Idol 12 is airing on television. This week, a special episode dedicated to the show season 3 & 4 host, Javed Akhtar, will be aired.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more.