Divya Khosla Kumar has been amongst the many celebrities speaking for Pearl V Puri. The Naagin actor has been accused of raping a 5-year-old girl. The incident allegedly took place during one of his shoots and the victim is his co-star’s daughter. This definitely came across as shocking accusations but TV industry is convinced that the actor is being framed.
The actor was arrested under the POCSO act and is currently under judicial custody. Previously we saw Nia Sharma, Ekta Kapoor, Anita Hassanandani, Aly Goni speak in support of Pearl. Now, Teri Aankhon Mein co-star Divya Khosla Kumar has opened up on the matter too.
In an exclusive conversation with SpotboyE, Divya Khosla Kumar said, “Who will be accountable for his (Pearl V Puri) aborted career if and when he is proven not guilty? It’s a very serious charge, and it will have far-reaching repercussions on Pearl’s career. He was just starting out in life. Television had given him stardom. And I can tell you, he was on the verge of signing a very big film. Now everything is lost.”
Divya Khosla Kumar also spoke about the condition of Pearl V Puri’s mother. “Pearl lost his father some time ago. His mother who is not well at all calls me and just cries and cries asking for my help. I feel helpless and angry. I know Pearl well. We’ve worked together. He is a good human being, sincere and hardworking. He doesn’t deserve this. On what grounds have they booked him for such serious charges? This is the frightening side of the #MeToo movement whereby a man’s career and reputation are destroyed, families are ruined,” she added.
The actress also said that all of it is horrific and is being done to settle scores. “These are simple godfearing people from Agra who have no clue as to how to tackle the situation. I am glad Ekta Kapoor spoke up for Pearl. More people need to come forward in his support because I truly believe he is innocent. What is being done to him by some vested interests is horrific. It should not happen to anyone. I didn’t know Sushant at all. But my heart reached out to him. In this case, I know Pearl. I am convinced he can’t do something so awful. He is being used to settle scores,” Divya Khosla Kumar concluded.
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