The popular reality show Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8 hosted by Nagarjuna Akkineni has begun with great excitement. Fans eagerly follow the show and are curious about the salaries of the contestants. Reports indicate that the earnings vary widely depending on the contestant’s popularity, ranging from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh per episode.
Aditya Om: The Highest-Paid Contestant
Among the contestants, actor Aditya Om is the highest-paid, reportedly earning around Rs 5 lakh per episode. Known for his films like Lahari Lahiri Lahiri lo and Dhanalakshmi I Love You in the Telugu film industry, Aditya Om has brought significant attention to the show. His presence is expected to boost the show’s viewership making him a key player in the house.
Other Contestants and Their Earnings
Apart from Aditya Om, several other contestants reportedly earn impressive amounts. Below is a list of some of the participants and their rumored earnings per episode:
Vishnupriya Bhimineni: A well-known anchor and actress Vishnupriya, who earlier refrained from entering the reality show is believed to earn around Rs 2-3 lakh per episode for Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8.
Shekar Basha: Popular radio jockey and television host Shekar Basha is rumored to earn between Rs 1.5-2 lakh per episode.
Bezawada Bebakka: Known for her strong social media presence Bezawada Bebakka reportedly earns around Rs 1 lakh per episode.
Nainika: Budding actress and model, Nainika’s participation in the show marks her entry into reality television. She is earning approximately Rs 1-1.5 lakh per episode.
Vismaya Sri: Singer and performer Vismaya Sri reportedly earns Rs 1 lakh per episode.
Ravi Teja: Ravi Teja, a professional model is rumored to earn around Rs 1-1.5 lakh per episode.
Parameshwar Hivrale: Director Parameshwar Hivrale is reportedly paid Rs 1-2 lakh per episode.
Khayyum Ali: Telugu actor Khayyum Ali earns around Rs 1 lakh per episode. He hopes to use his time on the show to significantly promote his career. The actor has starred in as many as 100 films so far.
Soumya Rao: Another contestant drawing attention in Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8 is Soumya Rao, who reportedly earns around Rs 1 lakh per episode.
Singer Saketh: Known for his melodious voice, Singer Saketh reportedly earns Rs 1 lakh per episode.
Anjali Pavan, Abhinav Naveen, and Abhiram Varma: These contestants are making around Rs 1 lakh per episode.
Nagarjuna’s Fee
Reports suggest that Nagarjuna’s fee has doubled compared to the previous season. This was decides by the makers as he has a critical role in keeping the show engaging for viewers.
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