In the recent episode of Bigg Boss 16, contestants Soundarya Sharma and Sreejita De shared a kiss leaving Abdu Rozik and Shiv Thakare stunned.
The housemates, who were not getting along earlier, in the latest episode and were having fun, cracking jokes and during this Soundarya and Sreejita locked lips.
Soundarya Sharma and Sreejita De ask Abdu Rozik and Shiv Thakare to do the same, but both refused and said they would prefer getting kissed by a girl.
And in his adorable voice, he is heard saying “Paagal hai kya” to Soundarya Sharma and Sreejita De’s demand.
Soundarya starts flirting in a healthy way with Shiv and plants a kiss on his cheeks.
This makes Abdu Rozik jealous but eventually Soundarya Sharma kisses him as well.
Both the boys get super happy and say now they can sleep well.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more Bigg Bos 16 updates!
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