The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 16 started in October and since then, the contestants have not got a chance to meet their family or loved ones including Priyanka Chahar Choudhary, who might get to meet Ankit Gupta in the family week.
However, with the New Year approaching, housemates may get a chance to meet their family members after a long time.
According to Khabri, Shiv Thakare’s sister Manisha or his mother will enter the house to meet him. There are rumours that Ankit Gupta will once again enter the house to meet Priyanka Chahar Choudhary. Either him or her brother Yogesh will be seen during family week.
Besides Ankit Gupta, Sumbul’s father will yet again be seen in the show during the family week. Shalin Bhanot will get some time to spend with his mother. Tina Datta’s father Tapan Datta is going to enter the house.
The cutest member of Bigg Boss 16 house Abdu Rozik will get a surprise visit from his father in the show.
However it is not clear who would be coming in for Archana Gautam and Sajid Khan in the house. But it is time for Ankit Gupta and Prianka Chahar Choudhary fans to rejoice!
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