Bigg Boss 15 contestant Vidhi Pandya is all set to portray the role of an ambitious, determined and independent woman named Saumya Verma in television show ‘Mose Chhal Kiye Jaaye’.
Talking about his character, Vidhi shares, “I am very excited to be a part of this show as my character is very strong, independent and ambitious but yet she has utmost love and respect for her family.”
Vidhi Pandya adds, “In a way, I relate to my character on a personal level as I, too, believe in chasing dreams and turning them into reality with sheer hard work. But things will soon change for her as life will throw a lot of situations in Saumya’s path after her marriage with Armaan Oberoi who is a successful personality.”
Set against the backdrop of Mumbai, the show charts the journey of a couple — Saumya Verma (played by Vidhi Pandya), an ambitious and struggling TV writer, and Armaan Oberoi (Vijayendra Kumeria), a charming and successful TV producer.
On the surface, their relationship seems perfect. For Saumya, her marriage with Armaan feels that of equals, with her husband supporting her ambitions but he has a deceitful side to him that no one knows of.
Vidhi Pandya adds, “The show has a lot to offer to the viewers and I hope my character strikes a chord with the viewers.”
Mose Chhal Kiye Jaaye is starting February 7 on Sony Entertainment Television.