After months of suspense, Tejasswi Prakash was titled the Bigg Boss 15 winner last night. The actress left behind beau Karan Kundrra and Pratik Sehajpal to win the trophy. There was an awkward silence when the announcement was made. Not just the co-contestants but even Kamya Punjabi, Munmun Dutta, Gauahar Khan, and other celebs aren’t happy. Scroll below for details!
For those who missed out on the finale episode, when Salman Khan announced Teja as the winner, the whole studio went silent. None of the co-contestants including Shamita Shetty, Nishant Bhat, or Akasa Singh were visibly happy. It was only her parents and Karan Kundrra who were elated to hear the results.
Many celebrities like Gauahar Khan, Munmun Dutta, Kamya Punjabi have taken to their Twitter accounts and expressed their disappointment. “Pratik Sehajpal, you won hearts,” tweeted Shefali Jariwala.
Gauahar Khan tweeted, “LoL!!! The silence in the studio at the announcement said it all. #bb15 there is only one deserving winner, n the world saw him shine. #PratikSehajpaI you won hearts. Every single guest who went in, you were their fave, the public loves you. Keep your head held high.”
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actress Munmun Dutta wrote, “You won millions of hearts with your honesty and rawness in the show. You deserve wonderful things in life. You should be very proud of yourself and of your journey. It was a pleasure to watch you. Stay blessed and happy #PratikSehajpaI.”
“#PratikSehajpal you are my winner n always will be! U did extremely well, loved ur journey n ur passion towards the game n the show! Stay blessed, lots of love n blessings for ur future @realsehajpal,” wrote Kamya Punjabi.
#PratikSehajpal you are my winner n always will be! U did extremely well, loved ur journey n ur passion towards the game n the show! Stay blessed, lots of love n blessings for ur future @realsehajpal
— Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) January 30, 2022
#PratikSehajpaI u won hearts …
— Shefali Jariwala (@shefalijariwala) January 30, 2022
LoL!!! The silence in the studio at the announcement said it all . #bb15 there is only one deserving winner , n the world saw him shine . #PratikSehajpaI you won hearts . Every single guest who went in , you were their fave , the public loves you . Keep your head held high .
— Gauahar Khan (@GAUAHAR_KHAN) January 30, 2022
You won millions of hearts with your honesty and rawness in the show . You deserve wonderful things in life . You should be very proud of yourself and of your journey . It was a pleasure to watch you . Stay blessed and happy ❤️😇 . #PratikSehajpaI
— Munmun Dutta (@moonstar4u) January 30, 2022
Are you happy with Tejasswi Prakash being titled as Bigg Boss 15 winner?