Aamir Khan’s fans had high expectations from his film Laal Singh Chaddha, however, the film couldn’t perform at the box office. Apart from Aamir Khan, the film also starred Kareena Kapoor Khan and Naga Chaitanya in pivotal roles. Interestingly, the film also marked the Bollywood debut of Naga, and recently, the actor finally opened up about film’s box office failure and revealed he has no regrets.
Naga Chaitanya, who enjoys a massive fan following, is currently busy promoting his upcoming Telugu- Tamil bilingual film Custody, and during the promotions, he also spoke about the failure of Laal Singh Chadha and revealed why he agreed to be a part of the film.
In an interview with Mirchi 9, Naga Chaitanya finally broke his silence on Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha box office failure and also revealed why he was quite excited to be a part of the film and said, “The main reason for me to do that project was to travel with Aamir sir. As an actor, I wished I get to travel with him for just 2 days to learn from him. I walked into the project with this mindset. But I got to work with him for 5-6 months.”
The actor also revealed that he connected with the script on a personal level and heaped praises on Aamir Khan. He added, “There was a lot of honesty, even in the way Aamir sir was working. I just followed him in this journey and I have no regrets at all. It’s unfortunate that the movie didn’t work out but I came out as an evolved person, both professionally and personally. It’s because of what he taught me.” The actor revealed that he sees working in Laal Singh Chaddha as an investment for the future.
For the unversed, Naga Chaitanya was signed for Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha after things didn’t work out with actor Vijay Sethupathi, who was originally supposed to play the character.
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