Malayalam superstar Mammootty is the latest celeb to break his silence on the Hema Committee report. It is not a hidden fact that the report has unearthed some shocking allegations of sexual misconduct and misogyny in the Malayalam industry. Taking to his Facebook account, the actor said that he abides by the report’s findings and proper investigation should be conducted on the allegations. Recently Mohanlal also reacted to the Hema Committee report after resigning as the president of the AMMA.
In his social media post, Mammootty agreed with the solutions in the Hema Committee. However, he disagreed with the mention of a ‘power group’ in the Malayalam industry which was stated in the report. The Bramayugam actor said the movie industry is not a field wherein a power group can exist. He stated, “Ultimately, the film industry must survive.”
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Mammootty further said he was waiting for the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists, aka AMMA, and its members to respond before breaking his silence on this severe issue. Speaking on the various sexual misconduct allegations on the Hema Committee, the Puthan Panam actor said, “Cinema is a cross-section of society. All of society’s good and bad are present in cinema too. But the film industry is also closely observed by society, which is why every small and big thing that happens there becomes a major subject of discussion.”
Mammootty also called for people to be more vigilant and careful to avoid miscreant activities towards women in the Malayalam film industry. The superstar called for all the members of the fraternity to show some unity and put the solutions provided by the Hema Committee into action. He furthermore stated, “Let the police conduct an honest investigation. Let the court decide on punishments.”
The actor revealed that the police investigations are being conducted rapidly, and the findings of the Hema Committee Report are now before the court. Mammootty further said, “All of the committee’s proposed solutions and recommendations are wholeheartedly welcomed and will be supported. This is the time for all associations in the film industry to join hands to put aside differences and implement them.” For the unversed, Mammootty’s contemporaries from the Malayalam industries, like Siddique, Ranjith, and Maniyanpilla Raju have been accused of alleged sexual misconduct.
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