Director Shaji Kailas was a powerhouse in the Malayalam film industry during the 90s and early 2000s. He became a household name with his mass action films, particularly his collaborations with Mohanlal in hits like Aaram Thamburan and Narasimham. He also gained recognition through Suresh Gopi’s iconic portrayals of foul-mouthed police officers in films like Commissioner and F.I.R. Kailas’s reputation as a hitmaker was further solidified with his political thriller Ekalavyan and his work with Mammootty in movies like The King, The Truth, and Valliettan.
However, the past decade has not been as favorable to him. His films started to flop one after another, mainly because he failed to update his filmmaking style to match the changing tastes of modern audiences. Realizing this, Shaji Kailas took a five-year hiatus and returned in 2022 with two mass action films, Kaduva and Kaapa, starring Prithviraj Sukumaran. Although these films generated substantial pre-release hype and achieved moderate success, they were also subject to heavy trolling.
His recent venture, Alone, starring Mohanlal, was a major flop. Now, with his upcoming film Hunt starring Bhavana, many are speculating whether this could be his opportunity to make a successful comeback and reclaim his former glory. Here is everything you need to know about the thriller flick.
We don’t know the actual plot of the movie Hunt as the makers have kept it a well-hidden secret. Still, according to sources that can’t be revealed, Dr. Keerthy (Bhavana), who assists the police in crime investigations, finds herself drawn into a chilling mystery at a medical college. What begins as a routine case quickly spirals into a nightmare as she uncovers a series of terrifying and inexplicable events centered around the college’s abandoned mortuary. The old, discarded facility, long forgotten by most, harbors dark secrets that refuse to stay buried.
Cast and Crew
Directed by Shaji Kailas and penned by Nikhil Anand and Vijayakumar, this film Hunt features a stellar cast including Bhavana, Dain Davis, Ajmal Ameer, Biju Pappan, Renji Panicker, Nandhu, Divya M. Nair, Anu Mohan, Chandhunadh, Aditi Ravi, and Rahul Madhav. Kailas Menon brings the soundtrack to life, while Jackson Johnson handles the cinematography. Liji Prem is behind the costume design, with Boban in the art direction. Edited by Akhil A.R. and Ajas Pukkadan, the film is produced by K. Radhakrishnan under the Jayalakshmi Films banner.
Release date
The film was initially set to release on August 9, 2024, but was delayed for unknown reasons. It is now confirmed to hit theaters on August 23, 2024, and this date is unlikely to change, as all post-production work is complete. Well, it will be interesting to see whether Hunt will manage to strike a positive chord with the audience unlike Shaji Kailas’ previous flops.
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