Lock Upp – the captivity-based reality show hosted by Kangana and featuring Karan Kundrra as its jailor, is full of drama. While the recent episode saw comedian Munawar Faruqui revealing he is married and also has a child, Mandana Karimi’s confession in today’s episode makes all present emotional and teary-eyed.
To survive in this reality show, contestants who make it to the chargesheet (in danger of being eliminated) are made to reveal secrets about themselves in order to be saved. In the promo shared by the makers a while ago, Mandana clicks the buzzer first and reveals her secret related to a director. Read on to know what she said and why it left her co-contestant – and even the host, teary-eyed.
Opening up about her affair with a well-known director, Mandana Karimi said it happened around the time she was going through a separation from her husband. The Kya Kool Hain Hum 3 actress said, “The time that I was struggling with my whole situation, my separation, I did have a secret relationship. My relationship was with a very well-known director who talks about women’s rights.”
Mandana Karimi continued, “He’s an idol to many people. We planned a pregnancy…and when it happened, he… It just destroyed so much for me.” Hearing Mandana’s confession her co-contestants were seen with tears in their eyes and even consoling an emotional and broken Ms Karimi. Host Kangana Ranaut too was stunned hearing the confession.
Sharing the promo, the makers of Lock Upp captioned it, “@mandanakarimi ke secret revelation se hua #LockUpp emotional.” Check it out here:
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For those who do not know, Mandana Karimi married businessman Gaurav Gupta in 2017, but the two separated five months later. The actress had filed a domestic violence case against him and his family.
For more news, updates and happenings from the Lock Upp house, stay tuned to Koimoi.