Fans go to extreme extents to show their love for fans, like in the case of Hollywood star Jared Leto, who once received a severed ear from a fan. The actor showed off his eccentric side in DC’s Suicide Squad film in the role of Batman’s twisted arch-enemy Joker. He reportedly sent a live rat and several other weird objects as gifts to his co-stars at that time. Scroll below to learn about this crazy fan who went Van Gogh with his gift, and the actor apparently acknowledged it by making a necklace out of it.
Leto is one of the finest actors in Hollywood, with some of the most notable films like The Thin Red Line, Fight Club, Girl Interrupted and others to his name. He bagged the Oscar for his amazing performance in a Supporting Role in the film Dallas Buyers Club. No wonder he has such a massive fan following.
In an interview on the UK radio station Xfm Jared Leto shared the story of this deranged fan who sent him a severed ear. Leto said, “The fans are an incredibly committed and passionate group of people. Going to a show is kind of like visiting Japan — you expect gifts on your arrival. You get all kinds of wonderful things.”
Jared Leto then dropped the bomb by saying, “Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me. That was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, ‘Are you listening?’ I never knew who it was, who’s missing their ear out there.” That is just creepy as hell and gross! Leto’s following move with the severed ear is equally as gross as the gift itself. The actor revealed, “I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace!” Not only that, he posted the picture of the cut ear on his Instagram with the caption, “Are you listening?” and tweeted about it on Twitter as well.
Although the picture has now been deleted from the account a fan posted it on their account. Here take a look at both Tweets here:
— JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) March 26, 2013
Can we all appreciate Jared Leto’s fashion style, with his Fans Severed Ear Necklace!!!!
— Yung Ribosome (@c_dog6) June 16, 2016
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