Daniel Radcliffe, renowned for his titular role in the Harry Potter series, gained global fame from a young age. Despite his success, Radcliffe has chosen to remain off social media, prioritizing his privacy and avoiding the potential pitfalls of online scrutiny. He has mentioned that he didn’t think he was mentally strong enough to handle the pressures of social media.
In an appearance on First We Feast’s Hot Ones with host Sean Evans, while promoting his film Escape From Pretoria, Radcliffe discussed his hesitation towards joining Twitter. He confessed, “I would love to say there’s some sort of intellectual, well-thought-out reason for this because I considered getting a Twitter and I 100 percent know that if I did, you all would be waking up to stories like, ‘Dan Radcliffe gets into a fight with a random person on Twitter.’”
Daniel Radcliffe elaborated that, in his younger years, he would often look up comments about himself online and read “sh** like that,” which he now considers an “insane and bad thing to do.” He described Twitter and similar platforms as an “extension” of this behavior, noting that even reading only positive comments would be unhealthy.
Reflecting on his early career, Radcliffe revealed that he relied on alcohol to cope with the intense scrutiny and fame from the Harry Potter franchise. On Off Camera with Sam Jones, he admitted that drinking was initially a way to numb his anxiety, but it soon became a destructive loop. He explained that as he got drunk, he became more self-conscious, which led to increased drinking in an attempt to escape the pressure. Radcliffe eventually recognized the need to stop using alcohol as an emotional crutch, stating, “I woke up one morning after a night, going, ‘This is probably not good.’”
Daniel Radcliffe’s iconic Harry Potter franchise is set to return with a TV adaptation.
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