So, how did it happen? A ridiculous mistake that sent photos of RDJ – yes, the one and only Iron Man – strutting around an airport making their way online. Way to ruin the surprise, right?
Here’s the kicker: Black Widow was supposed to be the first Marvel flick post-Avengers: Endgame. After that massive tear-jerker where we lost Iron Man, we were all left wondering if Marvel would somehow find a way to bring him back. Enter Black Widow, starring Scarlett Johansson. We all knew Natasha had to confront her past, but Tony Stark? In a movie set before Infinity War? Yeah, we were skeptical. But then those photos hit, and suddenly, the big “what could have been” question loomed.
But hold up, don’t expect Tony to come back from the dead. Marvel wasn’t about to pull that stunt. Instead, this cameo is recycled footage. The scene is pulled straight from Captain America: Civil War, where Tony tells Natasha to “run,” setting her on the path to join Team Cap and hide out. So, technically, we’re not looking at any shiny new Iron Man content. Just some leftovers.
And look, we love RDJ, but this whole recycled footage thing? It’s starting to feel like Marvel is milking every last drop of Tony Stark’s legacy. After his emotional death in Endgame, seeing him pop up again, albeit in an old scene, almost takes away from the emotional weight of the moment. Like, come on, Marvel. Let Tony rest. Or don’t. Maybe you’re just trying to squeeze him in for a Far From Home-style cameo that we didn’t ask for.
But hey, we can’t stay mad at it because Black Widow still brought the goods. This movie was about Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha confronting her past, and we were all here for it. Action-packed, with a side of nostalgia, it launched Phase 4 with a bang, even if Tony’s cameo felt a little like a “hey, remember this guy?” moment.
And if you thought that was it, oh no. The rumor mill’s churning, and word is RDJ might make yet another appearance, this time in the Ironheart TV show. So, are we getting more recycled Tony Stark footage or an actual return? Who knows, but for now, it seems Marvel’s not ready to let go of the man who made us cry all those years ago.
But honestly, whether Tony’s popping up in an airport or through a flashback, Black Widow still had all the goods we needed for a stellar Phase 4 start. Don’t let the cameo confusion stop you, this movie’s still going to keep you on the edge of your seat. And hey, it’s Marvel; they’ll always find a way to surprise us (even if it’s with a silly leak).
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