Tom Hiddleston, also known as Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is one of our favourite characters brought to screen. Hiddleston has been portraying Loki for a decade now. He is so good at playing the God of Mischief that a show ‘Loki’ has been made. The series became a hit instantaneously and gained huge success. Tom confirmed that there will be a season 2 of the show, recently.
While looking at his journey throughout his career of acting as Loki, Hiddleston has time and again shared his experience and memories while filming. In 2012, Hiddleston went on an interview where he talked about something his fans could never think of. During the interview, the host asked the actor to choose the best butt in The Avengers. What was more shocking than the question itself was the answer.
During the interview with Mark Hoppus from Fuse, the host asked Tom Hiddleston, “So Tom, if you had to choose the best butt in the movie, would it be Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow or Chris Evans?” To which Tom replied swiftly, “Oh, Chris Evans, by a mile”. Hiddleston continued by adding, “The guy is like, rocking it for spandex, and like, I expect spandex sales to go through the roofup to his…”
Tom Hiddleston has been playing Loki for so long and has gained a name for himself through the Franchise. A few weeks ago, Screenrant reported that during a fan Q&A on Tumblr, Hiddleston says he would play the God of Mischief for the rest of his life. The actor first appeared as Loki, the adoptive, manipulative, yet empathetic brother of God of Thunder in the 2011 Thor.
“Yeah, absolutely. I’m so lucky that I’ve got to play Loki for this long. And you know, I feel like he’s such an interesting character who’s been around in human consciousness for so long”, he wrote when someone asked the question. Tom Hiddleston added, “And he’s got so many different aspects, so many different complex characteristics, that it feels like every time I play him, I find out something new or we get to evolve him or take him down an avenue that we haven’t gone down before.”