Before becoming the world-famous Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp also tried his hands as a director with The Brave, which was never released for audiences. As the movie did not reach the theatres in the US, it was released at International Film Festivals. Not many would know, but the 1997 film directed by and starring Depp was a huge financial undertaking and flop but a dark hidden gem in his career.
The movie cost him a financial loss of around $2 Million as he agreed to pay for more than a quarter of the film’s budget out of his own pocket. His career took a different turn in the mid-90s as he was asked to take a seat behind the camera in the director’s chair to try his hand at filmmaking for the movie The Brave. However, the reaction was not exactly what he’d hoped for.
Johnny Depp decided not to release the release as the reception was very poor. The box office bomb also featured some of the big names like Marlon Brando, Marshall Bell, Elpida Carrillo, and Luis Guzmán. However, sharing about the movie’s hostile reception at the Cannes Film Festival, the devastated Depp once said, “They just f*cking destroyed us,” reported by The Things
Reacting to the aggressive critics, the POTC star decided not to release his directorial debut feature film at all in the US. “It was like an attack on me – how dare I direct a movie?” added the actor, as the movie never had an official release. After the response at Cannes, the movie had a very small release in the country of France, but reviews were so scathing that Depp refused to release it in America.
Johnny Depp even confessed it was one of the most things he has ever done, which just ripped him to shreds as he felt driven to do this movie. However, as his directorial debut was a major flop, he will see once again behind the camera for his second directorial feature with Modigliani to bring the life and work of the Italian artist, Amedeo Modigliani, to the big screen.
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