For Vikram Vedha to hit a century, ideally 70 crores should have been scored in the first week itself. However, after its stay in theatres for 10 days, the film has just about managed to score as much, which means a century is now officially out of the reach for the Gayatri-Pushkar-directed film. The director-duo was touted to kick-start their Bollywood career with a bang, what with Saif Ali Khan and Hrithik Roshan coming together for the remake of their Madhavan-Vijay Sethupathi starrer. However, unfortunately, that was not the case to be.
The film currently stands at 70 crores*, what with 5 crores* coming on Sunday. The growth over Saturday is on the expected lines, which means there were no pleasant surprises in store. In fact what’s disappointing is that the film is yet to hit the 75 crores mark, despite the fact that there was hardly any competition around.
There is also a theory going around that remakes are not working. Well, that’s not entirely true in the case of Vikram Vedha since not many have watched the original version. Moreover, with a stylized treatment in the Hindi version, there would have been more takers. My take on the whole affair is that for the class audience the film was way too massy and for the mass audience the core concept was way too massy. As a result, one shouldn’t have expected the moon from the film as it was for a restricted audience, and hence costs should have been controlled.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited. All collections are as per production and distribution sources.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
Must Read: Vikram Vedha Box Office Day 9: Hrithik Roshan-Led Shows Good Growth On Second Saturday
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