Vedaa saw a big drop in collections on Friday, as 1.75 crores came in. The film had managed some collections on the Independence Day holiday, when 6.75 crores had been accumulated. It was primarily led by traction at the mass centers. However, on Friday, the numbers went down, and that’s more than what one would have bargained for. Given the regular day factor and a three-day clash, something around 50% would still have been understandable. However, this drop is much bigger.
Vedaa was also supported by a BOGO offer, but I guess that didn’t really help it much. The wave around Stree 2 is so great that despite being well-made, the John Abraham starrer has not really found traction on its second day. The showcasing of Stree 2 is also quite massive, which means there isn’t an overflow audience either, as the former has no occupancy issues.
One now waits to see what happens from today until Monday, as that would be the deciding factor around Vedaa‘s run in theatres. There is an open month ahead, which means the film can gain audiences once Stree 2’s euphoria settles down. However, for that, word of mouth really needs to spread faster for Vedaa so that more and more people are aware of its entertainment quotient. So far, the film’s total stands at 8.50 crores.
Vedaa stars John Abraham, Sharvari, and Tammanaah Bhatia in the lead roles. The film is directed by Nikkhil Advani. The film is touted to be a riveting action flick against the backdrop of a lower-caste girl exacting revenge on her oppressors.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Koimoi has not independently verified them.
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