This Independence Day wasn’t lucky for Akshay Kumar as his latest release, Khel Khel Mein, failed to make any mark at ticket windows. The trend was good during the second weekend, but the overall collection remained extremely low. Amid this dismal run, it will achieve only one milestone, which is crossing the mark of 50 crores. Let’s find out where it exactly stands at the worldwide box office after 11 days!
The Mudassar Aziz directorial has been minting some numbers in the selected premium pockets, but that has also been on the lower side. The same thing happened during the second weekend, as there was an upward trend, but the overall collection was low. The only thing to feel happy about is that there are no major releases in the upcoming weeks, so the film will hang in there.
At the end of the second weekend, Khel Khel Mein minted 25.74 crores net at the Indian box office. Including taxes, the gross domestic collection stands at 30.37 crores. In overseas, too, the film has been a dull performer with just 9.81 crores gross coming in so far. Combining the Indian and overseas gross, the worldwide box office collection stands at 40.18 crores gross after 11 days.
From here, Khel Khel Mein is expected to cross the milestone of 50 crores gross before wrapping up the lifetime run, and that’s all about it.
This comedy-drama saved itself from embarrassment by earning higher in a clash with John Abraham’s Vedaa. However, when it comes to competing with a monster like Stree 2, the film is nowhere in the picture.
Meanwhile, Khel Khel Mein also stars Fardeen Khan, Vaani Kapoor, Taapsee Pannu, Ammy Virk, and others in key roles.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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