After collecting 13.58 crores on Thursday, KGF: Chapter 2 (Hindi) had an excellent hold on Friday as 11.56 crores came in. For the film to keep its pace towards the 400 Crore Club, it was pretty much required that the film stays into the double-digit zone on Friday as well. While that has happened indeed, the best part is that it has actually stayed over the 11 crores mark, hence taking a bare minimum fall from Thursday.
The film has now crossed the 280 crores mark to find itself as 280.19 crores. Now the Yash starrer has a real chance to add 28-30 crores between today and tomorrow, and that will allow it to come close to 310 crores total before the end of the second weekend. All of this also means that from being a blockbuster already, the film could well emerge as an all blockbuster once it crosses the 375 crores milestone, something that’s on the cards.
The fact that Jersey has opened at a less number will further help the Prashanth Neel directed film to have a very good run from this point on. Had the Shahid Kapoor starrer begun its campaign with a 6-7 crores opening day, it would have bagged audience attention during the first week. However, with that not quite happening, it is going to be KGF – Chapter 2 (Hindi) all the way.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources