After the blockbuster opening week, Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan continued its solid momentum even during the second week. The film enjoyed the benefit of Ganesh Chaturthi’s holiday, which provided a good boost after a superb weekend run. While the third week has started, the biggie has created history by clocking the highest-ever second-week collection for Bollywood at the Indian box office. Keep reading to know more!
Shah Rukh Khan, taking the route of mass action entertainers, has been welcomed by the audience with open arms. This was clearly proved when the film went past 2 crore footfalls in no time. Recently, it also entered the 500 crore club and it was all the result of strong word-of-mouth and repeat audiences. Any guesses, how much this SRK-led mass entertainer earned during the second week? Below is all you need to know!
Jawan, after scoring 391.33 crores net in the 8-day extended week, amassed a whopping 137.11 crores (estimates) during the second week. With this, the film has created history by raking in the highest collections in week 2, leaving behind Gadar 2 and Dangal.
Take a look at the highest week 2 collections of Bollywood at the Indian box office:
- Jawan – 137.11 crores
- Gadar 2 – 134.47 crores
- Dangal – 115.96 crores
- The Kashmir Files – 108.97 crores
- PK – 95.78 crores
- Pathaan – 94.75 crores
- Sanju – 92.67 crores
- The Kerala Story – 88.99 crores
- Bajrangi Bhaijaan – 87.63 crores
- Tiger Zinda Hai – 85.51 crores
If we include the Hindi versions of South Indian films, Baahubali 2: The Conclusion tops the list with 143.25 crores.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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