Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has entered the 4th week at the box office but still refuses to slow down. Despite the competition in theatres, the film is managing to attract major footfalls and continues its record-breaking run. In the latest update, it has gone past the lifetime collection of Aamir Khan’s PK in overseas. Keep reading to know more!
Directed by Atlee, the film opened to positive reviews from critics and the audience upon its release on 7th September. With solid on-ground buzz and glowing word-of-mouth, the film started its record-breaking journey right from the opening day and to date, it is achieving some phenomenal feats. Soon, it’ll become the first Hindi film to hit the 600 crore net milestone in India.
Speaking about the overseas collection, Jawan has already emerged as an all-time blockbuster and has crossed the mark of 350 crores. As of now, it stands at 353.72 crores gross internationally. With this, it has surpassed PK’s 342.50 crores gross in the list of highest-grossing Bollywood films in overseas. Shah Rukh Khan’s latest biggie holds the 6th spot.
Take a look at the top 10 highest-grossing Bollywood films in overseas (in gross):
- Dangal – 1435 crores
- Secret Superstar – 822.92 crores
- Bajrangi Bhaijaan – 482.54 crores
- Pathaan – 402.52 crores
- Andhadhun – 361 crores
- Jawan – 353.72 crores
- PK – 342.50 crores
- Dhoom 3 – 229 crores
- Hindi Medium – 205.21 crores
- Dilwale – 180.09 crores
Meanwhile, at the worldwide box office, Jawan is Bollywood’s 3rd highest-grossing film of all-time with 1043.21 crores gross. Dangal (1970 crores gross) and Pathaan (1060.43 crores gross) hold the top two spots.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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