Jawan has now completed three weeks at the box office. Released on Thursday, the film has been doing brilliantly for last 21 days and even yesterday it stayed over the 4 crores mark. That would now be the case today as well due to partial holiday of Eid and if somehow tomorrow too it manages to cross 4 crores then we are all set for excellent growth all over again on Saturday.
The film had collected 4.86 crores on Tuesday and now on Wednesday too the numbers have been very good at 4.45 crores. Today in fact there is a chance of hitting even 5 crores despite the release of Fukrey 3, which will be a very good result.
A lot of this can also be attributed to the fact that Shah Rukh Khan has been relentlessly promoting the film on social media and is not taking it easy. He has all the possible records in hand with Jawan and still he is going all out to ensure that more and more audiences watch the film.
There is this one plus one offer that has now been introduced for the film, which means footfalls would be more. That’s always a good way to ensure full houses as there is a different kind of excitement when watching a movie with hundreds of other patrons. The Atlee directed film has already accumulated 519.69 crores and of not today then by tomorrow morning it would be the highest grosser of all times by going past Pathaan (Hindi) and Gadar 2.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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