It was a strong start for Drishyam 2 in the seventh week as the collections expectedly saw a jump on Friday. On Thursday, the film had brought in 0.68 crores and now Friday has seen 0.75 crore* coming in. The film had seen an increase in screens and shows, and with no new Hindi release to face and the only holdover competition being in the form of Avatar: The Way of Water, the footfalls went up instead of going down when compared to Thursday.
The film has now collected 231.55 crores*, is doing remarkable business and there would be a very good jump in numbers that would be seen today. In fact it won’t be surprising if 1.50 crores mark is crossed, which would be excellent. Post that if Sunday manages to just about hold those numbers then we are looking at a weekend of around 4 crores, which would be excellent.
Ajay Devgn starrer Drishyam 2 is now in a real chance to go past the 240 crores mark and is building on big over its blockbuster status. This is one suspense drama which has done so very well on the basis of superb word of mouth and to think over it, the spoilers around it could have been revealed and diluted audience interest in it. Still, none of that happened, which breaks yet another myth that suspense films don’t have an audience over a period of time in the times of social media.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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