In its lifetime, the Hindi version of KGF: Chapter 2 had collected 434.62 crore at the box office. The film had come at a time when the box office was recovering post-pandemic, and even 200 crores were difficult to come by while 300 crores was a distant dream. During this, the Yash-starrer came and ended up being a sensation at the box office and went past the 400 crores mark in just the Hindi version, hence turning out to be an all time blockbuster. Of course, it was a huge success in Kannada as well, and then it did wonders in other south-dubbed versions. However, its Hindi version was the best and contributed to nearly half the revenue that was generated.
Now, Stree 2, which has been released just in Hindi, won’t be able to surpass the overall lifetime of KGF: Chapter 2. However, in the Hindi version, it has left it behind in a matter of just two weeks, and there is so much more still to come. The film could, in fact, well have done that on Tuesday itself but then missed out on reaching the landmark by a few lakhs.
However, on Wednesday morning, it took care of the shortfall and then added a lot more, hence currently standing at 444.50 crore. This is a massive number, and now 450 crore would be reached in a jiffy, and then some more would be added before Stree 2 starts its third week.
The daily collections stay on to be supreme as after bringing in 12.15 crore on Tuesday, the film held well on Wednesday as well, with 10.40 crore more coming in. Today, too the collections would be on the same lines. While one waits to see if tomorrow the double-digit run is maintained, if at all there is a shortfall, then it would be really minor. Post that, the third weekend would see a surge all over again and set the film well for an entry into the 500 Crore Club.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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