Mohanlal and Mammootty have always been the trend-setters of Malayalam film industry, delivering several hits since the late 1900s. As Mollywood movies have garnered a global fan following over the last few years, its popularity has also started reflecting on the box office numbers. According to a recent development, Bheeshma Parvam is now breaking several records in Kerala, all set to become the highest-grossing film during a 4-days weekend.
For the unversed, the new Mamukka movie hit the theatres on March 3, 2022, and opened to raving reviews from the audience. The movie has been directed by Amal Neerad who previously worked with Mammootty in the 2007 film Big B. This new release narrates the story of a man named Michael who turns into a maritime transporter in Fort Kochi after leaving all illegal businesses in the past.
The film Bheeshma Parvam now seems to be setting new records at the box office in Kerala as it made around ₹15.50 crores within the first three days of its release. According to a report by Pinkvilla, the film made a total of ₹5.25 crores in Kerala on Saturday which was an impressive number considering that the pandemic has just come to an end.
With its Saturday collection, Bheeshma Parvam has already left behind the numbers made by Baahubali: The Conclusion on the third day, which stood at around ₹5.10 crores and was unshaken since May 2017.
If the trend continues, Bheeshma Parvam is expected to make more than ₹21 crores within four days of release and in such a case, it would be breaking the records made by Mohanlal’s Lucifer (₹20 crores) and Baahubali: The Conclusion (₹21.23 crores).
The movie Bheeshma Parvam seems to have worked well for several reasons and one of them has to be the expectations set by the Amal Neerad-Mammootty duo through their past work. The trailer of the film was also a major factor as it left the viewers quite intrigued with the strong background music and slo-mo action sequences. The cast line up with Sreenath Bhasi, Soubin Shahir, and Shine Tom Chacko, amongst others, is also very promising which could be another reason for the movie’s impressive BO numbers.
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