It was a very disappointing weekend for Ajay Devgn and Tabu‘s new arrival, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha. The film did not even manage to touch the 10 crore mark despite audiences being excited to see the magical duo romance on-screen. In fact, the sad part is that the film still did not even manage to cross the opening number of Ajay Devgn’s last disaster.
Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha Box Office Day 3
On the third day, Sunday, Neeraj Pandey’s romantic drama has shown some growth but is not at all impressive. According to early trends, the film might collect in the range of 2.75 – 2.80 crore on the third day, bringing the opening weekend to 6.30 – 6.50 crore.
Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha opened on Friday with a very disappointing 1.90 crore. It witnessed a drop on Saturday, with only 1.70 crore coming in. Now, with Sunday’s expected 2.75 crore, the film seems to dive straight into the disappointment zone!
Even Maidaan Earned 128% Higher!
Comparing two negatives doesn’t make a positive here. But even Ajay Devgn’s last disaster, Maidaan, collected almost 14.50 crore on its weekend, 128% higher than Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha‘s opening weekend.
Not Crossed Maidaan’s Opening
The more disappointing part is the three-day total of Ajay Devgn‘s film did not manage to cross the opening number of Maidaan, which itself was a disaster. With such low numbers, it is a very difficult way ahead for the Shaitaan superstar, who is heading towards a continuous disastrous streak after Maidaan, and the curtains might close for this one very soon until the film starts showing some Dum at the box office!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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