Andhagan, starring Prashanth, has failed to create any impact during its theatrical run. Even before it completes one month in theatres, the film has practically wrapped up its run at the Indian box office. It took a start of below 1 crore at ticket windows and showed some growth over the opening weekend, but after that, it didn’t pick up momentum and got lost in negligible numbers. As a result, it’s the end of the dismal run!
Directed by Thiagarajan, the Tamil black comedy crime thriller is an official remake of Ayushmann Khurrana and Tabu’s Andhadhun. The original film was a huge critical and commercial success, so the expectations were high for this remake. However, despite positive reviews from critics, it failed to create any spark during its theatrical run.
Starting off from 0.65 crore, Andhagan failed to show strong momentum, though its first week ended at a decent score of 4.80 crores. After the first week, the film dropped heavily; the major reason was its competition in theatres. On the auspicious occasion of Independence Day, Demonte Colony 2 and Thangalaan arrived in theatres, which took away a big chunk of cinema screens from this Prashanth starrer.
Still, Andhagan kept churning out minimal numbers till the point where it started earning in the range of 1 or 2 lakh. So, within a span of three weeks, the film lost its steam and wrapped up its run at the Indian box office by earning a dismal collection of 5.55 crores net. Including taxes, this equals a gross domestic collection of 6.54 crores.
It’s a highly disappointing result as the film has failed to even recover its budget. Reportedly, the Thiagarajan directorial was made at a cost of 15 crores, and against this, it earned just 5.55 crores net in India. So, the film failed to recover 63% of its budget.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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