Last night, Aamir Khan took to social media to reveal that his production house, Aamir Khan Productions will no long be associated with Mogul as the director of the film, Subhash Kapoor has been accused of sexual harassment in the past and his matter is still sub-judice. With this, the curiosity about his upcoming venture is on an all time high as no one really knows what Khan would be doing next after the release of Thugs of Hindostan.
While a section of media has been reporting that Aamir would be doing Osho Biopic with Netflix, our sources have confirmed that the biopic for the digital platform is not happening and Khan will start meeting directors again to discuss several subjects. Aamir Khan had already started to attend acting workshops for Mogul, however with the film not happening any more, it would take some time for Mr. Perfectionist to decide the film that he would be doing next. As things stand today, he has nothing at all on cards after Thugs Of Hindostan, and we will get a clarity only after he starts discussing subjects with directors and producers.
This makes us wonder if this is the ideal time for Aamir Khan to move onto his dream project, Mahabharata. Making a film around this mythological tale has been Aamir Khan’s dream, and the superstar has been working towards living this dream since the start of this decade. He has read several books and also met several historians to know various facets of Mahabharata, however given the vast scope that the premise has, the actor has not really found the ideal screenplay and directors to live to the dream. A film like Mahabharata would take away at-least 3 to 4 years of Aamir Khan’s career, however the results of this film would be unheard of if it strikes the chord with audience and there is a huge possibility of that happening given the fact that there can’t be any story as universal as Mahabharata.
On a personal level, if there is one person who has the vision to make Mahabharata in India, it is Aamir Khan, and we hope that the actor moves onto his dream project as soon as possible. And why not? This one would be a spectacle that would redefine Indian Cinema at the global level.