Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s fight, back in 2018 had become the talk of the town. It was a major shock and disappointment for all their fans who loved to see the camaraderie of the two khans. This happened at Katrina Kaif’s birthday party and grabbed all the headlines. These two were not on talking terms for a long time after that. But did you know, apart from them, there was someone else who was upset, and that was Jaya Bachchan, who reportedly even went on to say that she would have slapped SRK?
Yes! Jaya apparently wanted to slap Shah Rukh, who had dragged her daughter-in-law Aishwarya in between their fight. Read on to know more about this incident in detail.
According to reports in Times Of India, Shah Rukh Khan has made some remarks about Salman Khan’s exes during that fight. The world knows that Aishwarya Rai’s name would come in the list of Bhaijaan’s exes. And apparently, this did not go down well with her mother-in-law Jaya Bachchan.
Jaya Bachchan was asked about Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan fight later and if she holds anything against SRK, to which she said, “Of course, I do.”
At that time, Jaya had added that she had not got an opportunity to discuss the same with SRK, but she would surely do it in the future. The veteran actress reportedly added that if Shah Rukh had been at her home, she would have slapped him, just how she would treat her own son.
Jaya Bachchan had concluded by stating that she had connected with Shah Rukh Khan in her soul, and that was it. SRK shares a good bond with the Bachchan family. The actor often attends parties and get-togethers hosted by the family at their residence.
What do you think about this incident? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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