Vijay Devarakonda’s Bollywood debut is making a lot of headlines off late. The Arjun Reddy actor is making his big Bollywood debut opposite Ananya Panday and is being launched by Dharma Productions. Recently, the actor reacted to rumours of his upcoming film ‘Liger’ being sold to OTT for 200 crores by the makers. Read to know the scoop below.
Amid the global pandemic and theatres are struggling to survive amid the situation and big-budget films are also choosing the OTT release way which is causing loss to them.
Liger is a big-budget film and will be released pan India in multiple languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. The film stars Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday in pivotal roles.
On Monday night, Vijay reacted to a fan’s tweet on Twitter that read, “Vijay Deverakonda and Puri Jagannadh’s Liger received a huge OTT offer of ₹200 crores for its direct digital release and the satellite rights in all languages. Makers are considering the offer.” Replying to the same and rubbishing the rumours, the actor wrote, “Too little. I’ll do more in the theaters.”
Take a look at it here:
Too little.
I’ll do more in the theaters.— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) June 21, 2021
Meanwhile, the Liger teaser was supposed to be released in May but due to the second wave in the country, Karan Johar released the joint statement that read, “During these testing times, we hope you all are staying indoors and taking care of yourself and your loved ones. We were all geared up to reveal a power-packed teaser for Liger on 9th May. However, due to the current scenario and environment that our country is facing, we have decided to postpone the same in the hope to share it with the world at a better time for us all.”
What are your thoughts on Vijay Deverakonda’s tweet on Liger? Tell us in the comments below.