Sunny Leone has had her fair share of struggles before becoming a big star in Bollywood. Many times she has been called out for being an adult performer in the past, but it never bothered her until a few years ago when her interview with Bhupendra Chaubey went viral. In a recent interview, the Jism 2 star reacted to the infamous conversation with the journalist and how it affected her.
For the unversed, the 2016 interview made headlines, as Sunny was clearly looking uncomfortable after the interviewer dug her past in the weirdest way. His questions were termed misogynistic and highly offensive, many actors from the industry came in support of the Mastizaade actress.
In a recent interview with Bollywood Bubble, Sunny Leone opened about the same and how it affected her, she told, “My first reaction is not to have a reaction. But later on of course it affects you. I would not be human if it did not affect me. The problem is that when you are working in a team you cannot complain to a lot of people. Who you are gonna talk to as it is very limited. And when you do talk to someone they just tell you that’s it and you just have to get over it. You don’t feel good there is literally not a lot of people you can speak to about how you are feeling. on how someone treated you.”
Further talking about her interview with TV journalist Bhupendra Chaubey, Sunny Leone said, “So there is this one incident that really really affected me. It was on multiple levels that it affected me. It took me a long time to snap out of it. Then things started shifting and my brain also said that alright it is not going to go away now so might just as well go with it. That is the Chaubey interview.”
“These people hated me or said bad things about me for years and now someone bashes me on television. And now I am ok and now I am accepted. I was the same person before. So great that they recognise that Hey I am a person. But it really did hurt me. But then you know what it is and nothing I can do to change it. So I guess you have you look at it, and thank u for seeing me as a person. Thank You for being nice and coming to my aid which was for the first time.”
On the work front, Sunny Leone will be seen in Oh My Ghost.