Actor Siddharth predominantly known for his work in the South industry made his Bollywood debut in Aamir Khan’s Rang De Basanti. The film helped him gain pan India recognition but he never returned to work in Hindi films until now as he’ll be seen in Hotstar series Escaype Live. In a recent interview, the actor spoke about online trolling and talks about the harsh reality of non-Hindi speaking characters.
His upcoming show revolves around the life of six people who struggles to gain fame through a social media app. The science-fiction thriller which is created and directed by Siddharth Kumar Tewary also stars Jaaved Jaaferi, Shweta Tripathi, Swastika Mukherjee, Plabita Borthakur and Waluscha De Sousa. It will start streaming from May 20, 2022.
In Escaype Live, Siddharth plays the character of a Kannadiga man but his colleagues often call him a Malayali. Talking about the same, the actor tells Indian Express, “If a character is from a non-Hindi speaking belt, we have a habit of making them a caricature.”
Explaining more about the same, Siddharth shares, “From the age of comedians, (we had) actors like Mehmood who made unrealistic and strange portrayals which were very popular at that time. But today, you feel odd watching them. There was Mithun Chakraborty playing some Krishnan Iyer and selling coconut water.”
“In those days liberties were taken in the name of entertainment. All these are cliches. That’s not how people speak. Today, if I do anything like that to a Kannada or a Kashmiri character, social media will have a field day.”
Further Siddharth shares how he stays stable while getting trolled or online hate, he says, “Because I’m a celebrity and I’m in the public eye, we come across millions of people who consume every word we speak. Whether they are real or bots, we don’t know. They tell us what we should do and what we shouldn’t. You have to be the bigger and more powerful hand in this relationship with social media. And in my life, if something good is not happening, I step back.”
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more stories.
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