Shraddha Kapoor fans, we have some bad news for you guys. Shraddha, who was last seen on the silver screen in 2020 alongside Varun Dhawan in Street Dancer 3D and then Tiger Shroff in Baaghi 3, may take longer to return to the 70mm screen. As per reports coming in, her upcoming film Naagin has been put on the back burner.
For those who don’t know, in late 2020, it was announced that Kapoor would play a shape-shifting serpent in Vishal Furia’s Naagin trilogy. Given that the Hindi film industry and television space have quite a few successful Naagin projects, fans were immensely interested in what the VFX-heavy project had to offer. However, now we hear the film – which was slated to roll this summer, has now been put on the back burner.
As per a MidDay report, while director Vishal Furia and Shraddha Kapoor started workshops for the film earlier this year, the Naagin project is apparently facing budgetary constraints. A trade source in the know said, “Naagin is a VFX-heavy film that was to be made on a massive budget. Given the current dry spell in the market, the makers want to hold the project, and revisit it later.”
Continuing further and revealing when Shraddha Kapoor’s Naagin is likely to go on floors again, the source stated, “The film was to go on floors in May, but the stakeholders felt it was best to wait it out. If at all, the film will be pursued after Shraddha’s yet-untitled next with Ranbir Kapoor is released.”
Well, while the source has revealed budget as being the reason for the film being put on hold, we cannot ignore the fact that the team of Adipurush – another VFX-heavy film, has been receiving severe backlash on social media.
What do you think is the actual reason for Shraddha Kapoor’s Naagin being delayed? Let us know in the comments.
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