Bollywood superstar Salman Khan recently announced a sequel to the 2005 super-hit movie ‘No Entry’ and since then all eyes are on this film. Fans have been eagerly waiting to know about the film. Producer Boney Kapoor too has said that the script is ready and now makes some more revelations. Scroll down to know more.
Titled ‘No Entry Mein Entry’, the film has been in the works for a long, long time now. There was a time when it seemed like the film is shelved however later Salman‘s announcement confirmed that the film is in the making.
As plans for the sequel to the 2005 super-hit movie ‘No Entry’ are in place, producer Boney Kapoor is confident that the film will be a crowd puller. Talking ETimes, the producer said, “The world will see the biggest crowd entering the theatres whenever it releases.” On being asked about the release date, he said only Salman Khan knows about it.
The report also claims that the Dabangg star is excited and keen to work on ‘No Entry Mein Entry’ and will shortly start working on the project after some formalities are done. Anees Bazmee, who will be directing the comedy film, had previously said that he is thrilled to helm the film.
Speaking to Bombay Times, the filmmaker said, “’No Entry’ was liked widely, and just like everyone else, I am excited about the sequel. That’s the reason I started writing the script. I had a year to finish it, and now, it’s ready and has turned out well. It’s one of my favourite scripts so far. We have titled it, ‘No Entry Mein Entry’. I would be thrilled to make it.”
Now the latest development comes as good news for all the fans who were eagerly waiting for the sequel to happen. Going by Boney Kapoor’s statement, Salman Khan’s film will be a laughter riot and absolute entertainer.
For the unversed, the 2005 super-hit movie ‘No Entry’ starred Anil Kapoor, Fardeen Khan. Lara Dutta, Esha Deol, Celina Jaitley and Bipasha Basu. Now the next instalment of the film will have all the three actors in a triple role.