Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are on cloud 9 after the birth of their little bundle of joy. Everyone is quite excited to know what will be the name of Taimur Ali Khan’s baby brother? Since the Nawabi couple came up with a unique name for their elder son, fans are expecting some out of the box name this time again. But, did you know that grandmother Sharmila Tagore has not got a chance to meet her Grandson yet?
Yes! You heard that right. Sharmila Ji has not got a chance to hold her Grandson till now. Keep scrolling further to know the reason behind this.
According to the reports in Bollywood Hungama, Saif Ali Khan’s mom Sharmila Tagore is yet to see her new grandchild. A friend of the family tells me, “With the Covid situation being what it is, travelling from Delhi to Mumbai is not advisable for Sharmilaji, and she may wait a bit longer before seeing her new grandson.”
Saif Ali Khan and his son Taimur Ali Khan are in the meanwhile enjoying their new at-home roles as Papa and Big Brother, respectively. “Taimur is very protective of his new little brother. He sits staring at the newly-born with a look of supreme joy on his face,” says the source.
Saif has taken s few weeks off to be with his newly born. He returns to his work to shoot for Om Raut’s Adipurush.
Well, for those waiting to hear what Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan name their son, they will have to wait a bit longer. Hopefully, this time too, the Nawabs are going to shock everyone with their name choice. Also, we are all waiting to see how cute the smallest Nawab is, aren’t you?
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