Ranveer Singh is a Bollywood actor who is known for delivering amazing roles in movies like Padmavat, Simmba, Gully Boy and many more will be featuring in a new south Indian adaptation movie. Recently it was announced that S.Shankar’s 2005 directorial Anniyan I going to have a Hindi adaptation and will feature the ‘Simmba’ actor.
The news has gone viral ever since the actor’s casting was announced. Although has occurred a barrier starting the production of the movie.
Tamil Film producer V Ravichandran has filed an objection towards the Ranveer Singh starrer as he states that he is the ‘whole and sole owner of the rights of the storyline’ and this movie should not be adapted without his consent.
In an interview with Pinkvilla, V Ravichandran said, “The South Indian Film Chamber has given a letter to me (stating) that the rights and everything belong to the producer. Coming Monday they will send the letter to Shankar, and everybody else too.” Along with the statement the producer also informed that he is planning to remake Anniyan as well.
When asked if was planning to remake the movie the producer said, “Yes, on a grand scale. There will be one Bollywood and one International artist, and it will be remade in Hindi and English (respectively). Once everything is settled, I will make the announcement. But everybody is thinking I have asked for money, I have never asked for money. It is my property. Somebody is misguiding Mr. Gada Ji (Hindi remake producer Jayantilal Gada). Before December the big announcement will be made, that’s why I kept quiet.”
While talking with the source, producer V Ravichandran also mentioned, “I have been waiting for the last 10 years. When Gada announced (the Hindi remake), I was very shocked. He is a gentleman, I don’t know who is confusing him. He is so good, usually, he would discuss even the smallest of matters when he is buying a movie from me. He is so good I know.”