The Aryan Khan case has been all over the news for the last few months, leaving the internet extremely divided over its proceedings. The case took a new turn this week as NCB’s key witness, Prabhakar Sail passed away on Friday after suffering from a heart attack. In a recent interaction with the media, his lawyer, Tushar Khandare shed some light on how gravely Sail was suffering due to the case, especially in finding a job and earning a living.
For the unversed, Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan was arrested for the possession and consumption of drugs from the Cordellia cruise ship. He was sent to Mumbai’s Arthur Road jail for a few weeks before being released on conditional bail on October 30, 2022.
In a recent conversation with ETimes, Aryan Khan case Panch witness Prabhakar Sail’s lawyer Tushar Khandare recently opened up on how stressed the man was before his untimely demise. “They were totally dependent on Sail and he was under a lot of pressure. He was jobless and we had tried to fix up a job for him. We had done one movement for him but he was not given the job because he was involved in the drugs case. They told him, ‘we cannot hire you’,” Tushar said.
Further explaining Prabhakar Sail’s financial issues, the lawyer said, “Sail didn’t get a job because he filed an affidavit in the Aryan Khan case. That was the main reason of pressure because he and his family had zero income. We would help him with some money every now and then.”
Tushar Khandare, however, assured that the corruption allegations case that was put forth by Prabhakar Sail against NCB will still stay strong. “Nothing will happen to the case. We have filed an affidavit before the authorities and the cases will continue,” he said.
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