After being mired in controversies, Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan have released another song on social media. The film was called for a boycott by netizens after the makers released the first song, Besharam Rang, online. The controversy was kick-started when Madhya Pradesh minister Nattoram Mishra slammed the song and the actress for wearing a saffron bikini. This morning, the much-awaited title song Pathaan Jo Jhoome was dropped online.
Looking completely unaffected by the trolls and criticism, the makers have unveiled another song which has once again landed the film in trouble.
Soon after Shah Rukh Khan took to social media to drop Pathaan Jo Jhoome online, netizens quickly ran to the comments section to comment on the same. While a section of the media can’t stop praising the title track, others have been criticising it for its music. However, there’s one social media user that has accused the makers of copying its tune. Taking to the comments section, the netizens shared the link of the OG song and the music do looks inspired from this old Sukhwinder Singh song.
Commenting on Shah Rukh Khan’s post, the netizen in question wrote, “The song is copied from the movie…arjun the warrior..karm ki talwar song. This is cheating and should give credit to original composer.. i stand by it… link of song they copied.. so mean.”
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The link shared by the netizen is of a Karam ki Talwar-Arjun: The Warrior Prince and we think netizens would agree with the same. Check it out below:
Do you think, Pathaan’s title song Pathaan Jo Jhoome is copied or inspired from Karam ki Talwar-Arjun: The Warrior Prince? Do let us know. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Koimoi!
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