If there’s one film that’s making headlines every now and then in the country is Pathaan. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film stars Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in the lead role and the superstar is returning to the silver screen after four years. While the songs of the film are already topping the music charts, we have now got you a new medley where Pathaan meets SRK’s Badshah and Dua Lipa’s Levitating and it’s too good to miss out on. Scroll below to watch the video.
SRK is 57-year-old and his ripped body in the film has his fans drool over him for all the right reasons. The actor is massively popular not just in India but globally as well. He has over 33 million on Instagram and 42 million followers on Twitter. Now coming back to the topic, these days Badshah X Dua Lipa’s Levitating is going crazy viral on the photo-sharing site with people recreating reels on it.
An Instagram content page named ‘Oye Ankit’ shared Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s medley on Pathaan X Badshah with a caption that read, “Pathaan aur Badshah dono mil ke maarenge mereko 😹😹😹😹”
Take a look at the video below:
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Reacting to the medley on social media, a user on Instagram commented, “Sounds better than the original song 😖”
Another user commented, “Why do I want this crossover in the actual movie!”
A third user commented, “The real owner of this song came 😎 noone is more compatible then SRK to this song🔥”
What are your thoughts on Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan X Badshah medley? Tell us in the space below.
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