Initially, Pathaan had been making noise for all the right reasons. The film marks the comeback of superstar Shah Rukh Khan, which was enough to create a huge buzz. Deepika Padukone, John Abraham looked like sizzling additions along with War fame Siddharth Anand helming the movie. However, it’s Besharam Rang that has turned the tables and all eyes are just on the ‘saffron’ coloured bikini. Scroll below as former CBFC chairman Pahlaj Nihalani sheds his thoughts.
It all began when Home Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Narrotam Mishra, raised objections over a ‘Muslim man groping woman in saffron.’ Besharam Rang faced massive backlash along with demands of boycott on SRK starrer in many parts of the nation. Swara Bhasker, Rahul Dholakia were among rare celebrities who defended the film.
As most know, yesterday, Censor Board ordered several changes to the film including the songs. Shah Rukh Khan and team have been asked to submit the revised version before release. Now, former CBFC chairman Pahlaj Nihalani has weighed in and claimed Pathaan is a victim of the Besharam Rang controversy.
Pahlaj Nihalani told ETimes, “There’s no guideline that states that a colour can be cut. You can suggest changes if there’s vulgarity or obscenity. But if they ask for cuts because of colour, it would be a wrong proceeding. There could be pressure from the ministry… Pathaan is a victim of controversy. The CBFC must have got pressurised from the ministry to delete this portion of saffron colour. Otherwise, they had cleared the costume and the shot in the trailer.”
He continued, “It is the committee’s right to decide what cuts and modifications are needed. They will have to see the revised version. Prasoon Joshi might have given a statement but he has no right to watch Pathaan with the examining committee. He must have got pressure from the ministry to see the film carefully because of saffron colour. If they suggest a cut because of colour then it would be a wrong proceeding.”
It is now to be seen whether Deepika Padukone donned a saffron bikini is going to be a part of Pathaan final cut or not.
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