Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s Pathaan has already created quite a buzz. The duo is reuniting after Happy New Year the film that was released in 2014. Pathaan is slated to release in January 2023 and their fans can’t keep calm.
However, since the first song from the film Besharam Rang was released, the song sparked a huge controversy. The leading lady Deepika Padukone was seen donning a “saffron bikni” in one of the scenes of Besharam Rang. Several political leaders and Hindu organisations found it objectionable and claimed that the use of saffron colour in the song was aimed at insulting Hindutva. Now, Censor Board has finally given its input on the film.
Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan is slated to release on January 25, 2023. According to a report in India Today, the film was recently submitted to the CBFC examination committee for certification. Post-screening, the committee has asked the makers to implement several changes in the film including songs.
In fact, the committee has asked the makers to present the revised version to them before the film hit theatres. The film is making headlines for its song Besharam Rang where the leading lady Deepika Padukone can be seen donning a saffron bikni in one of the scenes. Her outfit was called objectionable by Madhya Home Minister Narottam Mishra.
Pathaan’s Besharam Rang is ruling the Instagram feed these days as many reels are made on the song. In fact, the song is going viral across the globe. However, it faced a backlash from several political parties for hurting the sentiments.
Notably, King Khan aka Shah Rukh Khan is returning to the silver screen after a long gap of four years and his fans can’t keep calm! Pathaan will be SRK and Deepika Padukone’s fourth film together and we know when this duo comes on screen, they only weave magic.
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