Parineeti Chopra has tied the knot with Raghav Chadha in a beautiful white ceremony. The Kill Dill actress will next be seen in Akshay Kumar’s Mission Raniganj and Imtiaz Ali’s Chamkila on the work front. While her wedding was attended by close friends and family, everyone expected to see her Mimi Didi, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who surprisingly gave the wedding a miss.
Parineeti and Priyanka have never been pitted against each other, and things have always been cordial between the two sisters. However, the actress once was asked a question that had undertones of a rivalry between the two.
But Parineeti Chopra’s answers won everyone’s heart, and she made sure that she redefines sister goals with her answer. Pari was promoting her film Meri Pyaari Bindu, and during a live show in NDTV, a fan asked her about the supposed rivalry. The fan quoted an article from social media and asked how it feels that Priyanka Chopra is working in the US like Quantico and more, while she is just a Bollywood star.
Reacting to the question, Parineeti surprisingly asked, “Parineeti is just doing what? What do you mean? And I would also like to tell people her career started in 2000. It’s 2017. My career started in 2012! Haaye Raam.”
The actress then further declared, “It is not easy to be a successful actor in India.” Ayushmann Khurrana, who was a part of the conversation, agreed with Parineeti. The actress then even elaborated that the comparison does not make any sense to her, comparing the working timeline for both actresses being a decade apart.
The Ishaqzaade actress said, “I am just six films old. She has done 40-50 films, if not more. There is just no comparison. It is like comparing the Khans with the newcomers. For me, it’s a question that is not valid. Because there is no comparison.”
Parineeti Chopra, in fact, talked about how she has been in awe of her elder cousin Priyanka Chopra Jonas all her life. She even confessed that PeeCee has been a star ever since she won Miss India and Miss World. The actress confessed, “She has been a star all her life. Now she is a super global star. I just used to be a younger sister who would enjoy watching her on TV. I never thought I would be working in the industry at the same time as her. Anything I do at work, I first send it to her. I first ask her. She is my didi, She is my Mimi Didi. I have grown up in front of her. You guys can see her like a star. I can’t see her like that.”
For the unversed, Priyanka Chopra Jonas was expected to attend Parineeti Chopra’s wedding with Raghav Chadha but the actress is currently enjoying some quality time with her daughter Malti Marie. However, PeeCee flew down to attend Parineeti’s Roka ceremony a few months back.
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