Here’s a shocking piece of news for all the Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan fans. The Bollywood films hit the theatres, yesterday (Aug 11). After a lot of to-and-fros, the makers of Aamir Khan decided to release the film on the long weekend of Raksha Bandhan and Independence marking a huge clash with Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan directed by Aanand L Rani. Both the films opened to mixed responses from critics and audiences. However, now here’s a shocking update about the film’s show in the theatres.
For the unversed, Laal Singh Chaddha earned 12 crore while Raksha Bandhan minted 8.20 crore on the first day of their release.
In the shocking turn of events, the latest reports are abuzz that Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan’s shows have been cancelled. Yes, you read that right! According to a report in Bollywood Hungama, more than 1000 shows, of both films, respectively, have been cancelled by cinema owners owing to the dull opening. Hmm, looks like LSC and Raksha Bandhan had bowed down to the boycott trend.
A source close to the tracking agency revealed to Bollywood Hungama, “Both the films were released with around 10,000 shows across the country and neither of them warranted this sort of showcasing. Even on the opening day, the occupancy was as low as 10 to 12 people in maximum shows. Seeing the no-show, the exhibitors decided to reduce the showcasing of both the films on the second day to save up on the overheads and increase occupancy in the limited shows,”
“Neither of the films warranted such a wide release. While Laal Singh Chaddha is a wash out in the mass belts, Raksha Bandhan is facing a no-show in some multiplexes. In-fact, despite the voluntary show reduction, many shows of both films were cancelled on Friday morning due to no audience. It’s a disastrous scenario on the ground,” revealed the source to the portal.
There’s no confirmation on the same, we should wait for makers to make a comment on the same.
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