Kamaal R Khan has been accusing Bollywood of ill-treating him ever since he was arrested last month. The actor was detained at Mumbai airport over his past statements on the late Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor. But he’s claiming he went through a really tough time in jail and accused Bollywood of doing what they did with Sushant Singh Rajput. Scroll below for all the details!
As most know, Sushant passed away during the pandemic. He allegedly died by suicide as he hanged himself in his Mumbai apartment. Many were speculating that there’s foul play and CBI is yet to give its verdict in the case.
KRK in his latest tweet claims that he suffered memory loss while in jail. He also accused people from Bollywood of trying to make him reach a point that Sushant Singh Rajput allegedly did. “I had lost my 20% memory in jail, where I was living without eating anything for 10 days. According to my doctors, I can’t get it back but I can lose more in the future. If I die, then public must remember that first they did it with #SushantSinghRajput and now doing it with me,” read the tweet.
In another tweet, KRK also blamed his condition for not being able to do Bollywood reviews anymore. He added, “Many people are asking me that why I am not making more videos now? Because I don’t remember many things. I hardly remember my next line, when I am doing recording. Means some Bollywood people have succeeded to stop me. And This is the main reason, I have stopped reviews.”
I had lost my 20% memory in jail, where I was living without eating anything for 10days. According to my doctors, I can’t get it back but I can lose more in the future. If I die, then public must remember that first they did it with #SushantSinghRajput and now doing it with me.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 2, 2022
Many people are asking me that why I am not making more videos now? Because I don’t remember many things. I hardly remember my next line, when I am doing recording. Means some Bollywood people have succeeded to stop me. And This is the main reason, I have stopped reviews.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 2, 2022
Shocking, isn’t it? Let’s hope KRK recovers soon if what he’s saying is true!
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