A Mumbai-based renowned paparazzo has said that his team will be covering Bollywood stars Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s wedding in Jaisalmer from February 4-6.
Viral Bhayani shared a post on Instagram that his team is leaving for the wedding, which will reportedly take place at the luxurious Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer.
He wrote, “We are heading to Jaisalmer to cover Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra’s wedding. We will land tomorrow and then take a jeep to Jaisalmer.”
“One team will have to wait at Jodhpur airport in case guests are not taking chartered flights direct to Jaisalmer. We are not sure what we are going to get, but we will brace the cold weather and try our best.”
The paparazzi said that “most images normally get uploaded by the stars, we just wait and watch. February 4-6 is when the wedding will take place at Suryagarh Palace.”
Sidharth and Kiara, who are often seen together, have been dating since 2021 since their film ‘Shershaah‘, however both have neither confirmed or denied reports about their relationship. The guestlist has also been reported, now we cannot wait to see the IT couple in shaadi ka joda. What are your thoughts about it? Let us know!
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